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ACIS - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
This class represents the base system.
ACIS(Language, SystemEnvironment) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.ACIS
Constructor for a ACIS system.
ACIS(Language, SystemEnvironment, File) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.ACIS
Constructor for a ACIS system.
ACIS.OnExecutionListener - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
Represents a listener for events in the ACIS.executeNewThread(String, float, WeightSet, OnExecutionListener) function.
Action - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
Represents a Action for the ACIS system.
Action(String, ActionPackage, ContextVisibility, String, Action.ActionMethod) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.Action
Creates a new Action Object.
Action.ActionMethod - Interface in de.bensoft.acis.core
This interface includes the run() function which contains the core code of the Action.
ActionMalformedException - Exception in de.bensoft.acis.core
Represents a Exception which is thrown when the Action is malformed.
ActionMalformedException(String) - Constructor for exception de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionMalformedException
Exception constructor.
ActionMalformedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionMalformedException
Exception constructor.
ActionMalformedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionMalformedException
Exception constructor.
ActionManager - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
The ActionManager holds the Actions of the ACIS system it is tied to.
ActionManager(Logging.Logger) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionManager
The constructor.
ActionMultiplier - Variable in class de.bensoft.acis.core.WeightSet
Multiplier specifying the weight of the 'Action' in the SentenceObjectSet.
ActionPackage - Interface in de.bensoft.acis.core
Used to represent an ActionPackage.
ActionPackageFromJarLoader - Class in de.bensoft.acis.utils
Helps loading Actions for the ACIS system from classes in a jar-package.
ActionPackageFromJarLoader() - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.utils.ActionPackageFromJarLoader
ActionParameter - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
Represents a parameter in a Action.
ActionParameter(ParameterType, String, String, int) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionParameter
The ActionParameter constructor.
ActionResult - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
Represents a result of the execution of an Action.
ActionResult(ActionResult.ActionResultCode) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionResult
The constructor.
ActionResult(ActionResult.ActionResultCode, String) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionResult
The constructor.
ActionResult.ActionResultCode - Enum in de.bensoft.acis.core
An enumeration containing the different result codes.
add(Action) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionManager
Adds an Action to the system.
add(Action[]) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.ActionManager
Adds an array of Actions to the system.
addItem(ContextStackItem) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.ContextStack
Adds an item to the stack.
addOutput(String) - Method in interface de.bensoft.acis.core.environment.SystemEnvironment
Adds written and spoken output.
addSpokenOutput(String) - Method in interface de.bensoft.acis.core.environment.SystemEnvironment
Adds speech output.
addUser(User) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.Server
Adds a User to the system.
addWrittenOutput(String) - Method in interface de.bensoft.acis.core.environment.SystemEnvironment
Add written output.
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