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MainWordMultiplier - Variable in class de.bensoft.acis.core.WeightSet
Multiplier specifying the difference between the MainWord and the Compound.
Matcher - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
The Matcher is a core class of the ACIS system.
Matcher(Language, Action[], float) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.Matcher
Constructor of a Matcher.
MatchResult - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core
Represents a result of a comparison of an Action and the user input.
MatchResult(Action, float, Parameter[]) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.MatchResult
The constructor.
mForbiddenCharacters - Static variable in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Sentence
Specifies the characters that are filtered from the input and replaced with "".
mSentenceDelimiters - Static variable in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Sentence
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