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SampleActionListHandler - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts
Sample handler for listing Actions and ActionPackages.
SampleActionListHandler() - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts.SampleActionListHandler
SampleActionPackageInstallerHandler - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts
Sample handler for installing ActionPackages from an url.
SampleActionPackageInstallerHandler(Runnable) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts.SampleActionPackageInstallerHandler
SampleFileViewHandler - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts
Sample handler for showing files.
SampleFileViewHandler() - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts.SampleFileViewHandler
SampleRequestHandler - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts
Sample handler for queries and input requests.
SampleRequestHandler() - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.contexts.SampleRequestHandler
SavingConfig(File) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.utils.IOUtils.SavingConfig
Creates a new SavingConfig Object.
Sentence - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core.language
Represents a sentence (a row of words) and its properties such as type.
Sentence(String) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Sentence
The constructor.
Sentence.SentenceType - Enum in de.bensoft.acis.core.language
This class represents the different types of sentences.
SentenceObject - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core.language
Represents an object in a sentence of a natural language.
SentenceObject(Word, Word) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.SentenceObject
The constructor.
SentenceObjectSet - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core.language
Represents a set of SentenceObjects containing the categories ACTION, WHAT, WHO, HOW and ELSE.
SentenceObjectSet(SentenceObject[], SentenceObject[], SentenceObject[], SentenceObject[], SentenceObject[]) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.SentenceObjectSet
The constructor.
Server - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server
Represents a web server specially designed for an ACIS system.
Server(int) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.Server
Constructor for the server.
Server.HttpStatusCodeRepresentation - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server
Contains common HTTP status codes used by the system.
ServerContext - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server
Represents a context for the Server.
ServerContext(String, ACIS, ServerContext.ServerContextHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.ServerContext
Constructor for a ServerContext.
ServerContext.ServerContextHandler - Interface in de.bensoft.acis.server
Represents a handler for a ServerContext.
ServerContext.ServerContextResult - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server
Represents a result of a handle event in the Server.
ServerContextResult(String, String) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.ServerContext.ServerContextResult
Constructor using a HTTP status code and a response text.
Session - Class in de.bensoft.acis.server
Represents a session on a server for a given user.
Session(String, long, String) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.server.Session
The constructor for a new session for a user.
setContentType(String) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.ServerContext.ServerContextResult
Sets the HTTP-header 'Content-Type' property.
setDataDirectory(File) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.ACIS
Sets the data directory in which the system writes its data.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.WordCache
Enables or disables caching.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.utils.Logging.LoggingConfig
Enables or disables logging to the file.
setFile(File) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.utils.IOUtils.SavingConfig
Sets the underlying File.
setGeneralContextMaximumSize(int) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.ACIS
Sets the size of the ContextStack.
setLogger(Logging.Logger) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.utils.Logging.Loggable
Sets the Logger.
setLoggingConfig(Logging.LoggingConfig) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.utils.Logging.Logger
setMatcherParameterThreshold(float) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.ACIS
Sets the parameter matching threshold.
setNormalForm(String) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Word
Sets the normal/base form if a word.
setPreferenceConfig(IOUtils.SavingConfig) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.utils.Preferences
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface de.bensoft.acis.core.environment.VisualOutput
Sets a property of the output.
setRestrictedPaths(String[]) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.User
Sets the restricted paths for the User.
setSynonyms(String[]) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Word
Sets the synonyms of the word.
setTokenExpirationTime(long) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.Server
Sets the expiration time of a token.
setTokenLength(int) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.Server
Sets the token length.
setType(Sentence.SentenceType) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Sentence
Sets the type of the sentence.
setType(int) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Word
Sets the type of the word.
setTypedForm(String) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Word
Sets the form the word occurred in the input.
setWordCache(WordCache) - Method in interface de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Language
Sets a WordCache Object for caching word information of this language.
setWordCache(WordCache) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.languages.BensoftEnglishWordNet
setWordCache(WordCache) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.languages.BensoftGermanWiktionary
setWordCache(WordCache) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.languages.Unified
setWords(Word[]) - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Sentence
Sets the Words of the Sentence.
show(String, Object[]) - Method in interface de.bensoft.acis.core.environment.VisualOutput
Outputs a specific visual with a set of arguments.
SimpleHTTPGetRequestSender - Class in de.bensoft.acis.utils
Represents an extension library for easily sending HTTP GET requests and getting the response.
SimpleHTTPGetRequestSender() - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.utils.SimpleHTTPGetRequestSender
splitUpAction(String) - Static method in class de.bensoft.acis.core.language.Sentence
This function is used to split up an Action trigger String.
start() - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.Server
Starts the web server listening on the specified port.
stop() - Method in class de.bensoft.acis.server.Server
Stops the web server.
SystemEnvironment - Interface in de.bensoft.acis.core.environment
Represents a globally available unified interface for Actions.
SystemProperties - Class in de.bensoft.acis.core.environment
Contains properties about the system.
SystemProperties(String, int, String, Date, String, String, long) - Constructor for class de.bensoft.acis.core.environment.SystemProperties
The constructor.
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